Would you help us identify the people in these photos?
Just let us know if you see someone you recognize. You can e-mail us here at the Stryker Area Heritage Council by clicking here.
We just got this photo in. It’s believed to have been from a store in Evansport. Can anyone help us identify this or the gentleman in the photo? One of our eagle-eyed historians believes the photo dates around 1910.
Here’s the photo of people who were being honored at a Golden Wedding photo held during Stryker’s Centennial Celebration in 1953 that is presently posted on the home page. Terry Weiland says he has an article that says the celebration was held on September 10 that year. The story goes on to say that there was a float in the parade and that George and Hattie Weiland were on it for having been married 63 years, Mr. & Mrs. Enos Harris were on the float honored for the 60 years they had been wed, as well as Mr. & Mrs. O. L. Yackee for 58 years. Others on the float included Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Sloan and Dr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Goll. See if there’s anyone you can recognize. There are photos below that have parts of the areas blown up with numbers to help make identifying some people easier. (Thanks to Rose Burkholder for doing that!)
Here’s the first segment from the photo.
We have now heard from David Whittaker who reported that persons 5 + 6 are Gideon and Caroline Wiederkehr, his grandparents. Gideon owned a local dry goods store. Thanks, David!
Here’s the second segment.
Here’s the third segment.
And here’s the fourth one we’ve expanded.
We’ve heard from Carmen Daft, who reported that number 27 and 28 are her Great Grandparents. Carmen says Number 27 is Nellie Ehrmin Daft. She was the daughter of Clarissa Hall Ehrmin and John A Ehrmin who I believe was a farmer in the Evansport area. Number 28 is Thomas Daft and he was the son of Caroline Ingle Sherman Daft and John Daft, an immigrant from England. Thomas and Nellie were residents of Stryker. Thanks, Carmen!
See anyone else you can name? Be sure to let us know by contacting us. You can click here.
Most of the young people below have been identified. See the list under the photo.
NEW: Helen Bell submitted a list of people she believes are in the first two rows of this photo Carey Allgire found in his archives of a group of young people singing. He believes it was at the Stryker Methodist Church in the early 1960’s. Here’s who she thinks they are (from left to right): First row; Cheryl Barnum, Beth Replogle, Julia Sloan, Terri Hunt, Carey Allgire, Nancy Sanford. Second row; Diana Kunkle, Anne Wheeler, Judy Towers, Becky Sloan. (No one’s tried to identify the boys doing their best to hide the in the third row! If you can, let us know!)
People in the photo below now identified! Thanks to Dianna Jodry Hall and her father for a list of the people in the following photos. Check and see what you think of their list.
This is a photo of the 1939 Stryker summer town band sitting down for a meal in April of 1940. According to Dianna Hall #23 is her father, Sylvan Jodry, Jr. He played the trombone, is now 88 yrs old and living near her in Lima, Ohio. She says this photo was taken in 1940 at the Kelm's Restaurant meeting room. A dinner was given by the Stryker Merchants for the Band.
Starting across the back and working around the room: #5 - Art Buerher, #6 - Ed Wiederkehr, #7 - Howard Osborn, #8 - Herbert Coy, #9 - Frederick "Ted" Juillard, #10- Richard Garber, #11 - Bard Young, #1 - Oliver Short (standing), #2 - Lois Gentit Heer, #3 - Marian Juillard, #4 - Dorothy May Hayes Bishop, #21 - ?? could be Jack Johnson (Debbie Johnson Skeins and Mary Ann (Johnson-Bell) Cready both say it is indeed Jack Johnson), #22 - John Robinson, #12 - Richard Heer, #13 - Vernon Sloan, #14 - Bob Hoskinson, #15 - Denver Young, #16 - Richard Bernath, #17 - William Grisier, #18 - Ron Scott, #19 - Herbert Buehrer, #20 Lucille Planson Buehrer, #29 - Walter Buehrer - Director, #30 - Glenn Coy, #23 - Sylvan Jodry Jr., #24 - Arlene Peugeot, #25 - Helen Garber , #27 - Clyde Nichols ( son of Pop Nichols who ran the Stryker Advance), #26 - Don Juillard, #31 - ? could be Herb Barnum (It is. The identification of #31 as Herbert Barnum was made earlier by Karen (Barnum)Vandemark), #32 - Dick Erney.
Thanks to Dianna Jodry Hall and her father, Sylvan Jodry, Jr., for sending us the list of names for the photo!!
Here’s a closer view of the people in the photo.
Thanks for looking. Here’s a few more to look at and see if there’s someone you know.
Do you know who the woman is in the photo? This is one that Carey Allgire shared with us. She appears to be wearing a special hat and carrying a kind of kit. We zoomed in on her picture below.
Could that be part of a band uniform, and is she carrying an instrument? If you have any ideas, please let us know at info@strykerahc.org. Thanks!
Anyone have an idea who the child may be in the photo...or who the house belongs to...where it might be...what kind of car this is...and whose it might be? Carey Allgire gave us this photo to see if anyone can make an identification. Here’s your chance to play history detective. Send us an e-mail if you think you might have more info at info@strykerahc.org. Thanks
Do you know who the people are in the above photo? This is another photo from Carey with three women pictured in what’s believed to be Stryker. So far, all we’ve heard is that one person thinks this is likely along North Depot Street facing east. If you have an idea who they might be or where this photo might have been taken, please e-mail us at info@strykerahc.org
New Update!!! We haven’t been able to date this photo until now. Debbie Skiens discovered the photo above in a newspaper clipping from a scrapbook kept by her grandmother, Irene Johnson. This is from the Stryker Homecoming in 1949. The picture has a date of Sept. 7, 1949 written on it. Debbie included the photo caption which says, “Appropriately drawn by a tractor, members of Springfield Grange made a pretty picture as they rode on their prize-winning float in the procession which drew hundreds of past and present resident to Stryker. The homecoming is a popular annual affair in Stryker. “ Notice the sign for Louy’s Department Store as the float turns the corner. Let’s do a couple close-ups to see if you can identify anyone. Parade Photo 1 -- The float
Does that help? Here’s who we’ve heard are the ladies on the float (from left to right): Bernice Smith Miller (standing), ?, Nannette Manning Nofziger (standing), Lois Smith, Lois Baldwin, Joan Clark Ruffer, ?. We’ve had one viewer who said that they think the woman to the left of Joan Clark Ruffer on the float is Donna Bell Peterson Sigg from Evansport Ohio.
If you can identify anyone else, or give us the correct spelling of a name, please send us a message at info@strykerahc.org.
Let’s try another close-up Parade Photo 2 -- The crowd at the parade
We’ve heard that the man just above the center of the tractor tire is Mr. Schelling and his daughter Mary Lou is next to him on the right. To his left is the daughter of and Jane Champion. See any more people you know? Let us know who they are at info@strykerahc.org.
Here’s some more people in school photos we are looking to identify. If you know who they are, please contact Rose Clark Burkholder, Class of ‘58, at 419.445.3242 or click here to send it to us via e-mail.
Photo #1 - Class of 1922
Front Row (left to right) 1., 2. Rosa Short Aschliman, 3. Lillie Short Nofziger, 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.
Middle Row 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15.
Back Row 16., 17., 18. ,19 F.E. Turrittin. He was the Stryker dentist for many years until his passing in 1972. (ID by Donna Turrittin Tauriainen), 20., 21., 22., 23., 24.
Photo #2 - Class of 1928
Back row (left to right) 1., 2. Grace Webster, 3., 4., 5. Earl Stuckey, 6., 7., 8.
4th row 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18. George Christy
3rd row 19. George Throut, 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25 Walter Sullivan., 26., 27.
2nd row 28., 29., 30., 31., 32., 33., 34., 35., 36.
Front row 37., 38., 39., 40., 41., 42.
THANKS for looking and helping us out!