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Summerfest 2011 a great time for many!DonAllisonSpeaksAboutCivilWar2June0411

     The town of Stryker kicked off the begining of the summer celebration season with the annual Summerfest on June 4.
     A warm day that ended up in the 90’s was tempered by a steady breeze. A good crowd didn’t let the temperatures deter them from joining in a host of activities for the day.
     There was a breakfast by the Stryker American Legion, rides for the kids, plenty of good food, and fun events for everyone.
     Local historian Don Allison (shown right), a favorite son, gave a talk entitled “War Fever,” about the beginnings of the Civil War and how Stryker and the area was a part of it all. The presentation was recorded so a DVD can be released of the program for those who could not attend. The presentation was held during the breakfast at the Stryker American Legion as part of the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the start of the war between the states.
  QRCFloatInParade2June0411   The Stryker Area Heritage Council was again in charge of the parade. A good number of units, such as the one shown here from Quadco Rehabilitation Center, turned out and many followed the theme of “Community, Then and Now.”
     Prizes are being awarded to the top three entries who best used the theme in their entry. The entries had to be pre-registered and were judged by three mystery judges.
     The Stryker Depot was open for people to see the new historical center.


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