Evansport celebrates 175th birthday in grand style!
The town of Evansport was filled on June 26 as the village celebrated a big birthday and let everyone know that there’s plenty of life left with their theme, “Still Alive at 175!” The day’s events started with a proclamation by Congressman Bob Latta along with an arts and crafts display in the fire hall and a large historical center that overflowed with photos and displays in the Evansport United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. A few hours later, a historical marker was dedicated in front of the Tiffin Township Fire Department and the newest members of the community to those who lived in the town for many years pulled back the cover to show the words of history forever captured there. Food stands throughout the town fed the crowds and at 1:00 p.m. a giant parade stretching for more than a mile passed down the main street. Live music played for entertainment while children enjoyed games and adults tried their hand at the cornhole tournament. A gathering of elders at the Methodist Church was held at 4:00 p.m. delighting the crowd with tales of memories of events that happened through the years in the town. Congratulations to the Evansport Terquasquicentennial Committee and all who worked and planned for the celebration! For more photos, click here to go to the Evansport 175th photo webpage.
Want to get copy of Big Book of Evansport or DVD of the Evansport historical tour or the elder historical program?
A book about the history of Evansport is in the works by Kevin Maynard. There is no word yet on when it will be available or how much it may cost. If you are interested in a copy you can e-mail us and let us know. You aren’t committed to buying one once the book comes out, just that you wish to be notified.
DVDs of the Evansport historical tour and the elder historic program are also in the works. Again, if you would like to be notified when they are ready, just e-mail us.
Be assured we will put a notice on the website once each of these items are ready for purchase.
Tour brochure now available on-line
For those who didn’t get a copy of the Evansport Historical Tour brochure during the tour on May 2 and would like a copy, click here. You can print out a copy for yourself. While the brochures were distributed for use at the tour, they can be used for a self-guided tour anytime in the village.
Ever seen the original plat map of Evansport?
Want to see what the original plat map of Evansport looked like (well, really, it’s a copy)? The following graphic is from the Defiance County Engineer’s website, and it includes a lot of wonderful information. In case you can’t read the fine print (and the print is pretty tiny in this picture), there’s a translation (as best I can read it) below the map. Or click here to look at the map yourself.
“Map of Evansport
Evansport Town Plat Notes and references connected with the subjoined Plat. The lots are right rods long and four rods wide except the fractional lots which are as represented on the Plat. The streets are four rods wide except the street on the West side which is two rods wide. The alleys are eighty hundreths of a chain wide. A stone is planted on the North East corner of lot No. Twenty five from which to commerce future surveys. Amos Evans (seal) A. G. Evans (seal) Jacob Coy (seal)
I do hereby certify this to be a correct Plat and Field Notes of a Town laid out on Section three Township five North of range four East Williams County Ohio surveyed for Albert G. Evans, Amos Evans and Jacob Coy (Proprietors) December 14th 1835 Miller Arrowsmith Dept County Surveyor Wms Cty. Ohio
The State of Ohio Williams County Personally appeared before me Amos Evans Albert G. Evans and Jacob Coy who acknowledged the within(?) Map or Plat of said Town of Evansport to be a correct Plat according to the notes subjoined that is as far as the lots are numbered which are numbered up correctly to No 87 and acknowledged and admitted said plat to record accordingly this December 14 1835. Foreman(?) Evans Associate Judge (seal)
The above plat was received for record Dec 14 A.D. 1835 And recorded Dec 20 1835 John Evans Recorder Transcribed June 24th 1848 S. S. Case Recorder of Defiance Co. Transcribed May 13th 1897.”
New Evansport road signs remember community heritage
The Evansport Terquasquicentennial Committee, in cooperation with the Tiffin Township Trustees, have erected new Evansport town limits signs—one of many planned activities to commemorate the village’s 175th anniversary in 2010. Committee members (left to right) Kevin Maynard, Kit Salisbury, Casey Salisbury and John Schaufele are shown with one of the new signs, along with Jane Trocha (right) of Defiance, who suggested the sign’s tagline, “Celebrating Farms, Family and Friends Since 1835.” (Stryker Area Heritage Council photo).
New Evansport historic photos page added
There’s a new page full of historic photos of the Evansport area. Click here to view the photos and check them out.
Got an old photo of the Evansport area. Why not send us a copy at info@strykerahc.org??? Perhaps we can use it in the collection!
Evansport 175th committee working hard on anniversary events
Committee members include (front) Kit Salisbury; second row (l to r), Gaye Schaufele, John Schaufele, Rose Burkholder, Jamie Wonders and Casey Salisbury; third row, Don Rethmel, Tanya Brunner, Ben Buehrer, Terry Creighton, Sue Buehrer, Fred Schaufele, Merle Koeppe, Cecelia Brown and Kevin Maynard. (SAHC photo)
The Stryker Area Heritage Council has created a trifold brochure on Evansport’s history featuring information on the town’s creation and its mills, post office, school, churches, band, industries, utilities, fire department and floods. Copies are available at the Evansport Post Office and on the SAHC website, www.strykerhistory.org. Simply click on the photo of the Evansport Mill to get the brochure. You will need Adobe Reader for the brochure to come up.
Additional information is available by contacting Kevin Maynard at 419.373.0310 or via email at info@strykerahc.org, and also by checking the SAHC website, www.strykerhistory.org.